Elizabeth Chennamchetty
Life Happens. Sometimes you just have to write about it.

It’s amazing how life takes control once in a while and time just slips right by. It’s been a while since my last post!  With three little ones running around the house it’s been far too easy for me to get lost in time. My littlest Chennamchetty turned three this past last weekend! Three! We are officially a diaper free home and I registered her for preschool on Wednesday. I have to say, it’s a little surreal. On the book front, I’ve enjoyed several book signings and met with some book clubs!

My appreciation for you is long over due. I wanted to thank you for your support in this book publishing journey. What a blast I’ve been having meeting you at book signings and book club events.  It’s so rewarding to connect with you. I’ve loved learning about your life experiences, hearing reactions to my story, and answering your questions.

If you are in a book club, I’d love to have my book on your book club list! If your group is interested in an author Q&A session let me know. You can contact me by email: elizabethchennamchetty@gmail.com

Bangles Bindis and Babies Book Cover

If you haven’t read Bangles, Bindis and Babies yet, check it out on:

Nook, iTunesAmazon, and Kindle

If you have read it, I’d love a review: Amazon or Goodreads.

50% of all proceeds from book sales will go to Promises2Kids.

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