Elizabeth Chennamchetty
Life Happens. Sometimes you just have to write about it.

I’m covered in dirt, weeding in the backyard.

The kids are playing in the yard. Isabella’s on skates, Blu is on a skateboard and Malik is riding his razor.


“Let’s play mom and dad” Isabella suggests.

“Okay!”  Malik and Blu agree.

“I’m the mom.”

“I’m the dad. Call me Vijay.”

“I’m the bebe.” Blu chimes in.

“Okay! I’m Liz!” Isabella giggles, tickled with her idea and sudden name change.


“I’m going to work” Malik yells over his shoulder as he walks toward the door.

“Okay Vijay. Have a good day.” Isabella calls from her roller skates and gleefully continues her circle, arms swaying side to side.

“Waa Waa.” Blue says. “Bye Dada,” she keeps play crying.

“Oh honey. It’s okay. Daddy will come home soon.” Isabella reassures her.


I need my computer. I think to myself as I try to get up nonchalantly. I’ll never remember this if I don’t type it now. I don’t wash my hands because their play remains uninterrupted and I don’t want to miss potential gold. My keyboard dirty now, I type away.


“Liz!” I hear Malik yell from inside the house.

“Hold on honey,” Everyone needs something, she rumbles under her breath. I’m going to have to take these off. Isabella sits on the grass and begins unlacing her skates, a hint of displeasure on her face.

“Liz?” Malik repeats. “Where are you? I’m calling and you haven’t answered honey.” He says emphasizes honey as if the process will go faster if he does.

“Waa Waa Mama Mama!” Blu chimes in. Her version of a baby only includes crying.

Isabella audibly sighs and urgently yells toward the back door, “I just have to take off my roller skates!” Geez she mutters under her breath, impatiences setting in quickly.

“I can’t figure out how to get my show.” Malik yells back to her from the other room.

“Hang on I’ll be right there.”
“Waa Waa.” Blu continues to wail.

“Oh brother.” Isabella rolls her eyes and sighs again.

“Mama Mama!” Blu begs reaching her arms toward Isabella.

“Come here you little sugar.” Isabella picks Blu up and starts bouncing her. With each bounce Blu’s feet touch the ground. Isabella arches her back to accommodate the height of her little sister, who is almost as tall as her. “There. There. There.” She says between exacerbated breaths. “You are happy now honey? Can I put you down?” she grunts that last word out.

“Uh huh!” Blu smiles up at her big sister.


“Liz! I need you! Where are you?” Malik is getting impatient.

“I know!” Isabella responds curtly.


“Mama Mama,” I look up.

“Are you calling me Blu?” I ask her.

“No, not you Mama,” she answers.

“Okay,” I whisper “Just checking.”


“You are going to have to wait Blu,” Isabella informs her baby, the fun completely drained from her face. “I’m coming Vijay,” she enters the house.

“I’m working on my show,” Malik says.


Isabella throws up her arms and stomps toward the back door.  “I give up. This is too hard. Everybody wants stuff.”


“Waa Waa? Where my mama go?” Blu asks looking around.


“Mama?” Malik says. “Big Mama. Like the adult one.” Malik clarifies.

“Who me?” I stop typing. I haven’t moved from the chair outside.

“Mama? Wait a second. Is that your computer?”

I nod.

So, what are you doing on there?”

“I’m typing.”

“So, does that mean we can YouTube Godzilla videos?”

“No, I’m working.”



My third little participant finds me

“Mom?” she asks.

I glance up and smile at her.

“My real Mama?”

“Yes Blu.”

“Can you cuddle me?”


“Wait a minute guys, are you quitting? You can’t quit! Who’s going to make dinner?” I ask.

“Mooooommmmmmm!” They roll their eyes and giggle.


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