Elizabeth Chennamchetty
Life Happens. Sometimes you just have to write about it.

A poet, I am not. This ditty slipped out of my head last night though and I wanted to share it – think beatboxing.




National dialogue, differences so strong

What unites us, what makes us wrong?

All of this noise seems hateful some say,

We need to express ourselves some other way.


So what is it that makes us all one?

Are we really so broken we feel – it’s done?

We love our country, it’s totally true.

We die for our colors: red, white and blue.


Yet we are all feeding on hate and on fear

When we fight and argue this election year.

What of this storm, these dark clouds, and the thunder?

Why is there no other way – I wonder?


People keep asking, how can this be?

How will we prosper, be equally free?

From the lies

From the fear

From the hate

And the anger

I don’t know if we can take it much longer?


Look up in the sky, you don’t have to strain

A rainbow comes out after the rain.

Not permanent, it’s fleeting – so dope.

It opens our hearts and gives us such hope.


Nature does that, creates beauty to share.

Like mixing it up, if people should dare.


When sunshine and rain cross paths – reflect light.

A rainbow appears and shines down on us bright.

My family does too – what a rainbow gives you.

We shine colors down for love to pass through.


My family is black, brown, white and Asian,

Not just when celebrating a special occasion.

These days it’s hard to see appreciation

For those who make up our diverse nation.


But it’s the love that we share

And we spread it with care.

There is wisdom in thought

Whether my team – or not.


All of this dragging our feet in the sand.

Where does it leave us, what kind of brand?

We need diverse songs and diverse conversation,

We need diverse books and love in this nation


There is value in differences this much is true.

Family, co-workers and our friends too.


Atheist, Jewish, Buddhist, and Christian,

Muslim, gay, straight, trans, and Asian.

All kinds of people, all kinds of love

Make us stronger, not weaker – we fit like a glove.


All over the world, we’ll stay proud and free.

A beacon of hope and love – what can be.

With a little hard work and a helping hand too,

Where anyone can build the life they want to.


The end of a rainbow, the gold so bright.

Like our dreams are – bound by no height.

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple

It spreads joy and hope – the dream is not hurtful.


Culture shouldn’t divide us – it won’t make us weak.

It builds tolerance and understanding – so speak.

It shouldn’t define us, keep us isolated,

It should unite us, make us elated.


There is love in my heart.

Always – from the start.



We are all in in this family, happy and proud.

We make up #AnAmericanRainbow – beautiful and loud.





4 responses to “An American Rainbow”

  1. Barbara Rendina says:

    Wow Elizabeth. Beautiful!

  2. Shelley says:


  3. Carol Schnaubelt says:

    I can hear the “beatboxing” rhythm! Many people this year can relate and it does effect us right down to the root of our families. I’m just going to think of your family and rainbows!

  4. Helen Kinsey says:

    You are soooo right/correct. I’m sick of the hate, anger, and endless generalizations based on superficial characteristics, and the excuse for these behaviors on both sides being the election. Nice job of addressing this at such a personal level. Looking for rainbows, Helen

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